November 30, 2013

REC3 - Genesis (2012)

REC 3 is a film that mixes the found footage genre with Zombie genre. Now I am not a gore fan and I had not seen the previous two REC films and the film starts off with a wedding and things seem to be moving along normally and on a side note it must be about ten minutes before we get the title card before returning to the action. The thing that strikes me about film is that it seems like they have gone down the comedic road which is a bit of a surprise. Not as much of a surprise when at one point they seem to ditch the hand held camera style and just go for a generic horror film.

Not being a gore fan as I mentioned I thought that the gore was rather tame and I thought that this was going to be perfectly fine until the last quarter when it gets really gorey and I had to look away because I am a bit of a wuss. It does seem a bit odd when they decided to just go mad with the gore and I wonder why they didn’t do this sooner but I suppose that would have undermined the comedy tone that they were so desperately going for. I thought the idea that the zombies are stopped in their tracks because the vicar is talking about Genesis was a clever idea and this led to another good idea where the grandfather who has a hearing aid wasn’t affected because his hearing aid was turned off so was continuing with his normal behaviour thus leading to the demise of Clara.
The performances were as you would expect and with the film being set at a wedding the loving couple decided that instead of getting out they would find one another and both Leticia Dolera (Clara) and Diego Martin (Koldo) do their best with what are quite frankly rather standard characters. I did find the John Sponge character to be quite funny because it seemed to stupid and yet funny so I didn’t mind that particular character. Quite why Clara decided to go all from being a normal bride to being like Alice from the Resident Evil films is a bit of a mystery. They even go to the trouble of cutting her wedding dress so that it looks like Milla Jovovich in those films.

I’m not quite sure about REC 3 because I think that the comedy part of the film was slightly disjointed and compared to the other REC films I’m told that this is the weakest but I doubt that I will watch them. As a standalone film, I’ve seen far worse and I thought that there were some good performances and some good moments though having seen ‘The Walking Dead’ TV series, it seems that this is a little behind the times in terms of storytelling.

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