October 29, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

It was my turn to choose and it seemed quite fitting that PA3 comes out this week. This is the prequel and to be honest I wasnt quite on par with the first two. There were some impressive moments but it didnt seem to have that edge that the first two have.

There was one moment where I wondered what kind of film this was. The scene where the dad goes into a dark room, turns on his light and a group of old people approach him after he runs back into the house.

It may required a second viewing but on first viewing I have to admit that it wasnt on par with 1 and 2 and if/when there is a fourth film there will be a return of the original characters.

October 22, 2011

Evil Things (2011)

It was back to normal as the DLT film club resumed with this terrible offering. Evil Things created this image in my mind of a very scary film but what we got was anything but. We’ve seen a few of these found footage type films and to be honest this was by far the worst. I think that it’s like anything after a while you come to expect something more and to be honest anything would have been better than this. I would even have watched Troll Hunter again.

The film starts off with these five people travelling somewhere and soon a mad van starts following them and for a large portion of this. We have a moody girl who we called ‘car sick girl’ and soon after this started it became the other guy’s (the one who wasn’t holding the camera) turn to become annoying.

The problem with this film is that none of it made sense. Was it trying to be a sort of Blair Witch type film or was it trying to be Paranormal Activity? The film seemed to be a mad guy with a van but then there was a moment when a door just slams shut. Was it implying the guy with the van did this but if he was in the van during this then what/who caused this. The film moves at odd paces. Before we know it, they are lost in the woods and within seconds start turning on each other. In any other film this would progress over 10-15 minutes, then no sooner have they started turning on each other than they start screaming at a broken branch and start running towards the house.

This is the first film from Domonic Perez and hopefully he will direct better films because this is an awful film.

October 16, 2011

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

Sunday Night film is Paranormal Activity 2 which is a film which takes an awful long time to get going. There are several scares in this film which does feel like its got a bigger budget for it as the house is bigger and the effects are better. The best scene for me is when Grayden's character is dragged from Hunter's room and down the stairs where she manages to get free before been dragged down into the basement.

The daughter is annoying as hell and I cant fathom out why she was left to live. It does seem a bit odd how she doesnt feature in the final scene.

PA2 is a good sequel which is more than could be said for most sequels. It's not as good as PA but I do have high hopes for PA3 which I am contemplating seeing at the cinema.

October 15, 2011

Paranormal Activity (2009)

Well no proper film club as D has other plans. So with the third Paranormal Activity film coming out soon I thought I would go back to the beginning and watch the first two. Tonight its were it began with a very scary and very good film. It just edges out PA2 in terms of effect because this feels far more than the sequel.

Micah is slightly annoying in parts of this film but its still a very good film and one that should be watched in the dark cause it'll make you jump like I did. The thing I like about this story is how there is a slow build up. A little thing will happen and about 5 or 10 minutes of nothing before another little thing. It carries on like this but its the little things that make the film good.

October 08, 2011

The Social Network (2010)

Firstly I have given the film club the new name of the DLT. Secondly, due to D being unwell the DLT film club has taken a weeks break so I am at home watching a film from my collection. I was deciding between The Social Network, Inception, Paranormal Activity and Cloverfield. I chose this film because it was the first that came to mind.

The film is surprising because its a film about horrible people that are quite clever and it shows how someone who has very little social skills nds up creating the ultimate social tool. It's not the sort of film that would end up mid day on Channel 5 but just picks a bit out of Zuckerburgs life and shows us what he was like.

It's a very very good film. Back to normal next week.

October 01, 2011

Atrocious (2011)

Atrocious is an odd film which sees the Quintanilla family at a house which has a funny garden next to it and strange things are suppose to happen. This is another of those found footage things but the problem with this is that its not as scary as it could have been. The footage of the mad garden were milding entertaining but it was predictable that once they went into the garden that they were going to get lost.

Being in a foreign language didn’t make any difference really as it wouldn’t have made the action (or lack of at times) any better.

If you have seen the poster for this film then it gives the impression that something terrible happens in this film and the only thing of any note that happens is that towards the end when the house goes dark and things go wrong. There is one sequence where something is coming up the stairs, there is a light and then it changes to something else which didn’t make any sense.

Atrocious has its moments but there is a small amount that is good and the rest is relatively ok.